Vaccine-free job market

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The Corona Pandemic has also turned working life upside down. Many people have lost their jobs or had to apply for short-time work. Even for self-employed and freelancers, coping with the consequences of the Corona Pandemic is anything but easy. For job seekers, who do not want to be vaccinated for understandable and different reasons, it can be a special challenge to find access to the job market again. A vaccination-free job exchange specializes precisely in this group of people and can therefore be particularly helpful in finding a job again. Job seekers should not be discouraged in their job search just because they refuse a vaccination. The vaccination-free job exchange brings employees and employers together, even if the topic of vaccination is viewed critically.

Of course, the Impffrei Jobbörse is also directed at companies and employers who are explicitly looking for workers who do not necessarily have to be vaccinated against Corona. The specialized employment agency of the vaccination-free job exchange turns against discrimination of any kind in the working life and particularly also with the employment agency in all industries. Often non-vaccinated job seekers or employees are defamed or excluded. This is excluded with the vaccination free job exchange, because it is attached large value on the self-determination of the individual and naturally also on the free will not to be able to be inoculated and thereby in the working life no disadvantages to be suspended.

It is beyond that completely legal and law-conformal to offer with the impinging free job exchange a platform, which addresses itself completely purposefully to job seekers, who would not like themselves to be inoculated for many good and comprehensible reasons against Corona. The Vaccination Free Job Exchange also opposes any kind of compulsory vaccination. The question about the vaccination status can be asked for example in job interviews by potential employers and should also be answered truthfully. However, according to the Equal Treatment Act, employers are not allowed to give preferential treatment to vaccinated persons when awarding a job. Also, the Equal Treatment Act would be violated if employers targeted only vaccinated persons with their job advertisements. In addition, compulsory vaccination is not wanted by politicians in Germany, as the governing parties have repeatedly emphasized up to now.

Nevertheless the pressure on unvaccinated persons seems to increase further and this trend shows up unfortunately also in the working life. The inoculation-free job stock exchange wants to counteract with its offer also this fatal trend and encourage not inoculated persons expressly to apply. Because a vaccination may not be a condition for a job, also not in the sense of a covered vaccination obligation. In the workplace, too, unvaccinated persons must not be urged or otherwise pressured to be vaccinated. Occupational and infection protection can be ensured at all times even without vaccination by taking appropriate measures. The specialized vaccination-free job exchange will continue to do everything in its power to ensure that non-vaccinated persons are also fully integrated into the primary labor market and can be successful in their job search.

Jobs From Not-Vaxxed