Going vaccine-free shopping

impffrei einkaufen, , ,

Going vaccine-free shopping – from classic weekly shopping to a relaxed shopping spree. 3G, 2G, 1G, or opening up all lines of business to the vaccinated and non-vaccinated? There is a lot of discussion and again and again citizens are surprised by new regulations. In addition, there is the house right, which allows store owners […]

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vaccine free work

impffrei arbeiten, , , , , , , ,

Non-vaccinated employees have to observe a number of things, but should not feel restricted or otherwise discriminated against in the workplace. Vaccine-free work is therefore an issue in Germany, but also within the countries of the European Union, which also concerns works councils and, of course, employers. The latter are particularly required to understand and […]

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impffrei Restaurants

impffrei, News, , , , , ,

Impffreie Restaurants, die nicht nur unsere Ernährungsbedürfnisse, sondern auch unsere Bedürfnisse wie Spaß, Entspannung und Geselligkeit befriedigen, versuchen in einem intensiven Wettbewerbsumfeld zu bestehen. Unternehmen, die diesen Wettbewerb gewinnen wollen, müssen zunächst die sich ändernden Anforderungen an impffreie Restaurants verstehen und diese Anforderungen bestmöglich erfüllen. Worauf achten wir also bei der Auswahl eines impffreien Restaurants, […]

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live vaccine free

impffrei, , , , , , ,

Everyone perceives the meaning of living vaccine-free differently. All individuals from different countries and cultures all over the world always use their individual past experiences. So the meaning of life is different for everyone. Vaccine-free life is a necessity, it is much more than what you see and understand. Vaccine-free life – without tiring yourself […]

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UK prepares for ‘mix and match’ Covid vaccine booster programme

Covid-19, News, , , , , ,

The UK is preparing to become the first big country to administer “mix and match” coronavirus vaccines for its booster programme, according to senior government figures. Many Britons are expected to have a third, booster dose that is different to their first two jabs, on the basis that it would provide better protection against Covid-19, […]

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Jobs From Not-Vaxxed