vaccine-free vacation

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Even people who do not want to be vaccinated against Corona for very different and understandable reasons should have the opportunity to spend a relaxing vacation. It is therefore quite possible to go on a vaccine-free vacation, but the entry regulations of the desired vacation country in the European Union or worldwide must be observed in any case. Unfortunately, during the Corona pandemic, there is no uniform way for the different countries to treat vaccinated or unvaccinated persons for entry. In addition, the entry regulations also change for unvaccinated people at a sometimes rapid pace, even now in the final phase of the pandemic. So that a vaccine-free vacation is possible without restrictions, all precautions should be taken to ensure that there are no nasty surprises and that unvaccinated people can also enjoy their vacation to the fullest.

First of all, it should be noted that even for unvaccinated people in most countries a vacation stay is possible without further ado. Who would like to make vaccine-free vacation, however, has at present unfortunately only bad maps in some countries, namely if the entry is permitted only with vaccination proof. On the other hand, many countries allow unvaccinated persons to enter without further ado, so neither an antigen test is required nor are quarantine measures waived. To make vaccination-free vacation for example problem-free possible in Austria, Croatia, Italy and also Spain, thus also on the Balearen. Who would like to make however in the Karibik state Grenada inoculation-free vacation, must unfortunately shift the planned stay, because this is up-to-date unfortunately not possible.

Because Grenada permits only completely against Corona inoculated persons the entry. Only for children under the age of 13 years there are legal exceptions. Also for the popular vacation country Canada it could come soon to completely similar regulations to disadvantage of unvaccinated persons. Starting in September, the state plans to allow only those persons with a complete Corona vaccination to enter the country, and even then only if this vaccination has already been completed for at least two weeks. So anyone who would like to take a vaccine-free vacation in the beautiful and vast country of Canada is unfortunately out of luck at the moment and would be better off postponing their vacation plans until the pandemic is over. According to unanimous scientific opinion of virologists, however, an end of the pandemic is expected soon, perhaps even in the first third of the year 2022.

Those wishing to vacation in the U.S. without vaccinations should also inform themselves in detail before a possible trip, because the legal requirements regarding Corona regulations are constantly changing. In any case, the United States is planning significant entry relief for people vaccinated against Corona, so those who want to vacation vaccine-free could be left behind. Even people who have been vaccinated against Corona will need to check carefully before entering the U.S., because it is likely that only those vaccines that have previously been allowed for the U.S. population will be accepted for entry. The Russian vaccine Sputnik, for example, is not an approved vaccine against Corona in the USA.

But the big topic of vaccine-free vacations is not just about possible entry into different countries, but also about the so popular ship cruises or cruises. This is because the issue of Corona and vaccination status still plays a big role even when checking in on cruise ships. For example, many people like to take cruises in Norway, but it is here that the entry rules are particularly stringent. However, a vaccine-free vacation for a cruise in Norway, for example, is definitely possible. However, it is necessary to register online in advance and have a Corona test done directly on site. Who fulfills these conditions, can make vaccine-free vacation in Norway without restrictions. An uncomplicated entry to Norway is nevertheless not necessarily secured according to estimation of the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany. Because even if all conditions for an entry were fulfilled, it could come nevertheless to a refusal of the entry or even to a hotel quarantine.

The background is that the applicable Corona rules are unfortunately applied inconsistently by the responsible border police in Norway. Certain cruise companies have announced that they will only allow passengers on board in Norway who can prove that they have been fully vaccinated against Corona. The fact that, in case of doubt, only vaccinated passengers can book a cruise with certain companies is, in the eyes of many unvaccinated passengers, an inadmissible discrimination. However, the legal regulations allow each cruise operator to determine for itself which clientele it will allow on board and which it will not. Therefore, a legal dispute for unvaccinated persons is usually not worthwhile. It is still possible to go on a vaccine-free vacation on many cruises, but the trend is clearly moving in the direction that more and more cruise operators only want to take on board people who have been fully vaccinated against the Corona virus and can prove this beyond doubt. For planned cruises, it is therefore of particular importance to inform oneself in good time beforehand about the applicable legal provisions regarding the Corona regulations.

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